Sunday, May 26, 2013

Number Two

"Could you have number two step forward and say, "Acorns! I've got acorns in here!"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prayers For Oklahoma

Devastation. Oklahoma took a hit yesterday, giving the rest of us an opportunity to pray for the health and welfare of those affected.
God allowed it to happen, just as He allows everything else.
There will be a time when such tragedies no longer happen, but we aren't there yet.
 Fund the Red Cross. Pray for Oklahoma.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Warm Thoughts

Sure, sure, Mother's Day. One of the least reprehensible non-holy holidays. Moms are great-I was just talking to one, and I MEANT to wish her a happy Mother's Day, but it came out wrong, that she was expecting to be a mother again. Wrong wrong wrong.
John MacArthur teaches from the Bible year around, but even he somehow finds himself focusing on 'Mothers in the Bible' the week ahead of the Day.