Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prayers For Oklahoma

Devastation. Oklahoma took a hit yesterday, giving the rest of us an opportunity to pray for the health and welfare of those affected.
God allowed it to happen, just as He allows everything else.
There will be a time when such tragedies no longer happen, but we aren't there yet.
 Fund the Red Cross. Pray for Oklahoma.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know that there will be those who want to blame God-'How could He let this happen?'.
But when good things happen in their lives, it's all because of them, right?
So, if something good happens, God doesn't get the credit. But bad times?
A Christian has it easier, in that we are to accept both bad and good from God with a smile, joy through tears.
Praise God that it wasn't any worse in Oklahoma, and if more people draw near to Him as this event has made them consider their own mortality-then you could even say that this was a blessing because no thing that happens here on earth is as important as what happens when we leave it.