Sunday, June 9, 2013

Confaluted World

Sometimes it feels as if this entire world has tripped and is falling down the crazy stairs. Stuff that used to
make sense is now perceived as senseless, and vita versi is too true.
Once the norm, the trad family: (Man and woman married to each other raising children which will someday become men and women married to each other raising've got it)-that ideal still exists, but it shares space on the planet with other configs which, amazingly, don't work as well.
"You don't have to be married to live together and raise kids."
"You can marry someone of your own gender."
"To say otherwise is a hate crime."

What you consider a family may simply be an aggregation of sinners sharing living space.
Your opinion and my opinion mean nothing.
God is the only one Who's opinion on ANYTHING means EVERYTHING.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know what is offensive?
Being told that you are wrong, that you are going to hell.
You know what is MORE offensive?
Being assured by some liar that you are safe, going to Heaven when, according to God, you are bound for hell.