Friday, December 13, 2013

You Know Who You Are

Imitation is the most insincere form of mockery.
If you are not connected to Jesus Christ,
if He is not Lord of your life,
why would you celebrate Christmas?
Who is He to you?
Forget about some priest mumbling words over a baby-you know in your heart whether or not Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior.
If the answer is "NO"...why Christmas?
He is your enemy. He is sending you to hell.
That would be like Christians celebrating the existence of satan. 
If Christmas is a cultural thing only, simply tradition and Christ is not Lord to you,
your tradition is the insincere mockery of what life IS for us who do belong to Him.
We celebrate our Savior all of our lives.
We acknowledge Him as Lord seven days a week, not one day a year.
I realize that this post sounds harsh.
The harsh reality is that all are doomed until they are brought face to face with the fact that they NEED a Savior. 
That's how it was for me, that is how it is.
Seek the Lord while He may be found.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been listening to a series from Dr David Jeremiah about what Life would be like on earth if Christ had not come to redeem the world.
Tough stuff.
It's funny how these posts sometimes go-I had an entirely different subject in mind when I sat down.
May God richly Bless you by convincing you that you are in desperate need of Salvation.