Monday, April 8, 2013

Arrivanoches, Roger

Well, they just couldn't let it go-the nutcase Wierdsboro {allegedly} Baptist churchers decided that
Roger Ebert needed a dishonor guard at his funeral.
I wasn't going to write about Ebert, as I wasn't a fan of his reviews or opinions. Sad that he died.
But the WBC crowd had to stink up the place with their hate spewing. They give Democrats a bad name.
In case anyone's thinking, "Wait a minuto, Doug! You just commented for the 18,000 time about homosexuals being sinners bound for hell-isn't that what the WBC believes?"
Allegedly. One major difference is that I try to follow the Bible:
"Bless your enemies. Be kind to those who hate you." That's a paraphrase, but you get the idea-Christians are called to pray for their enemies. Not shout and hold signs at solemn events where we were not invited.
If they were true Christians, rather than holding hateful placards at funerals, they would be in their church
praying for the Eberts of the world.
I'm not saying this now to boast, but to share a point:
in many ways, I oppose nearly all of the policies of President Obama. I think he is wrong about just about everything.
But I, as a Christian, and my church as a church body pray for President Obama, and for those in government under whom we live. Every Wednesday night my church meets for prayer; government officials, from President Obama down to the city level are listed and prayed for.
I pray for his salvation, that God will draw him to Himself and give him the faith to believe and be saved.
I pray that God will humble him and cause him to repent of his sins.
Would I ever picket a place, such as some Christians do at abortion clinic? I don't know. If I felt that God wanted me to do so, I would. He once had one of his prophets walk around naked to shame the Israelites
who needed shaming. I hope it doesn't come to that.
My point is: there's a distinction between Christians who try to live by God's teachings and those such as the Westboro crowd who only hate. You may not see  a difference, but for me it's there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

keeping up the new tradish of posting some posts at both blogs, this one will be copied at fine dry wit-same address minus the 'r'.