Friday, March 29, 2013

Homosexual Hitlers

The fuss and furor is starting up again. No matter how many times homosexual marriage is voted down in California, the true believers, those politicizing sexuality, refuse to take "No" for reality. Now it's going before the Supreme Court, and it doesn't matter. If the SCOTUS affirms that homosexual marriage is a protected 'right', then that is what we will have as the law of the land. We are a nation of Laws, and obey even those which we think are wrong.
If the SCOTUS says no, if the Court rules that it is not a protected right...that will not stop the political agitators one bit. They will go on, crusading for their beliefs as if SCOTUS has no right to decide such matters.
"Stay OUT of our Bedrooms, SCOTUS!" will be the strident screed of the day.
It's really quite simple. Those sexual agitators who wish to make homosexual marriage legal are not going to be swayed by law, reason or argument. They are as fully invested in their being 'Right' as Hitler was about the Aryans being human perfection. He could not be swayed by law, reason or argument, either.
Bottom line: God is in charge, and what He says is proper and right will ultimately be all that matters. When Christ returns to set up His Kingdom, He will rule the nations with a rod of iron, and this world will be a much better place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trying something different for now-I will be posting the same posts on both FDW and FDrW.
As for homosexual marriage-the people have spoken many times rejecting it in California.
If the SCOTUS affirms it as a right, that in fact would invalidate the choice of the majority of the Californians who said NO.
It's like Abortion-most voters in most states said, NO, so the activists kept the noise machine going until SCOTUS said yes.
What a bunch of babies, crying until they get their way.