Saturday, March 9, 2013


One of the most beautiful words in all of recorded languages. Redemption. Recovering something of wealth, of worth; reclaiming something lost.
Does it get under your skin to hear Christians boasting about going to Heaven? I have good news for you.
They can't claim any credit. We have nothing to do with being saved, except saying yes to Christ when Christ calls us. Even the faith to believe comes from God, so saying 'yes' is pre-ordained by God.
Redeemed. By God. For God's own purposes.
You might say, "That's fine for you-but I am not a Christian, and I feel fine."
How you feel, how I feel has nothing to do with anything. If you live by your feelings, God help you.
If Salvation were based on how a person feels, no one would survive to make it into Heaven.
God still saves people from hell-the books have not yet been closed. If you can read this, you still may be
given the gift of faith to believe in God, leading to your being redeemed. Mighty Cool.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Some definition of terms may be helpful for those discovering this site.
When I say Christian, I mean born again, saved by Christ redeemed Christians.
Not Catholics or any other false believers who make up man made rules and rituals which keep peoples in darkness.
Not Lutherans who have left the faith of Martin Luther far behind them.
Not ANYONE who teaches false doctrines in God's name, or assumes that they are Christians because someone told them it was so. This includes Mormons, many Methodists and possibly you.
There is no Salvation in Allah, Buddha or Buddy Hackett.
Bye the way, it's not about knowing the Bible. Some devilishly clever folks can quote Scripture.
It's about being known by God, accepted by God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
If you're not yet "In", know that you can be saved. There are no sinners so bad that they cannot be redeemed. Because God is more powerful than sin.