Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Evo FDW!!!

Fine Dry Wit. Eight years, many many posts, a lot of fun. Deleted by Google by mistake, and it
may not ever come back.
No tears, no sorrow. This new blog is the evolution of Fine Dry Wit, and hopefully those who search for FDW will find their way to this new thing-I don't actually think it will be "Finer", but I wanted to keep as close to the original title as possible.
For new guests, a bit o'background. Back in the early 2000's I came upon a weblog called "Christian Conservative" created by a man named Michael. In order to be able to comment on his blog I needed
to set up an email account, which I named, without much thought,
Michael closed up shop for his blog, and I decided to start my own, which is how Fine Dry Wit became
a weblog. I had two compatriots for awhile, and we each posted our thoughts, but eventually they went their own way and FDW became a one dog show.
So here I am, freshly starting with the same old same old.
I can still be reached at: but am also connectable through:
There will be many photos and topics recycled from FDW, as I have not changed my spotty attempts at humor or point of view.
I am simply a Christian living here until I get to go there. The picture above shows the egress of a harbor.
Happy sailing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

NOW I can see comments again! Fun fun fun.