Sunday, March 2, 2014

Okay, How About This?

Oncet uponish a time, I was given grief for comparing President Obama to Adolph Hitler.
How about this? In the config of 2014 current events, Vladdie Putin is casting himself in the Hitler role, invading Ukraine as Hitler did Poland.
This is President Obama's moment to shine as a world leader. He can do the right thing and champion the people of Ukraine who are threatened with subservience...or he can follow the example of Neville Chamberlain. 
Chamberlain was the dovish PM of Great Britain who, in the name of world peace, caved like a mountain climber rather than a speleologist. That is to say, this dove's weak action, winning a peace accord from Hitler as meaningless as a basilisk's smile, made it necessary for hawks to take to the skies.
But Wars Will happen in this shoddy cosmos where Man acts up and causes grief to the world.
Such will be the case until we all sing, "Joy to the world, Our Lord has come! Let earth receive her King!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes I get too obscure:
"caved like a mountain climber rather than a speleologist."

If Chamberlain caved like a speleologist, that would be doing the absolute right thing. But his action brought about the very War that he was trying to avoid. He caved like a mountain climber, the very opposite of a speleologist.
My mind is sometimes funnier than I am, and even I don't get all of the jokes.