Friday, June 15, 2018

Lives of Contradictorians

So declaim SOME who reject God, who argue that Christians are
very, VERY mistaken, befouled creatures.
"They feel guilty, so they make up a god they can bow down before
so as to rid themselves of guilt!"
"I've asked Christians for PROOF of their GOD, and they have NONE!
Everything they put forth as PROOF they say must be taken on Faith.
Faith? I can't hold faith in my hand! I want concrete PROOF, something I can
perceive through  my senses-something REAL!"

Okay. I have such proof.
You are not insane, right? Righhhht?
Compos mentis- with a clear mind you perceive the world around you.
Christians (and pagans) state that we are 'spiritual creatures'.
Simple clay does not love.
Clay cannot hate.
It is a spiritual act to accept God, and it is a 
spiritual act to reject God.
So you are a spiritual being.
As for your compos mentis-it will someday fail.
The very faculties which you  are so proud of...someday will be dust.
And then, according to you...nothing? Void? You will no longer exist?
Prove that to me. I want to see your evidence. Please.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know that I've been slack regarding this site-I will continue to post here for good.